Corteva's oilseed rape business update
Contents: The OSR crop - a look at the season to date | Corteva 2023 OSR Survey results and findings | Proven herbicides for oilseed rape weed control | Propyzamide: Key information and stewardship | Have you downloaded the Corteva arable app yet? | Autumn application of BlueN™ in WOSR | Corteva OSR online hub: Hybrid to Harvest | Don't forget that you could get £200 cashback!
The OSR crop - a look at the season to date
Whilst harvest this season was seen as catchy, oilseed rape this autumn is a tale of ‘2 crops'. Early drilled crops managed to get moisture and are well-established with many at 4-6 true leaves, whereas many later drilled crops have been affected by CSFB attack in the recent period of hot weather. Some of these crops have been re-drilled and are just establishing.
Our team have been out examining OSR crops and trials around the country, looking at weed pressure and supporting customers with advice on solutions and programmes. We're here to support you to get the most out of your crops, so please do not hesitate to get in touch.
OSR in East Anglia on 26.09.23 - photo by Corteva Area Manager, Tom Rouse.
Corteva 2023 OSR Survey results and findings
Thank you to everyone that participated in our 2023 oilseed rape survey. We received 250 responses and the insights and feedback will continue to drive our work in developing solutions that support oilseed rape growers as well as enabling us to give technical advice and support when it is needed most.
Congratulations to the 20 lucky prize winners that were selected at random and have been contacted.
The survey of UK farmers, contractors and agronomists has shown resilience amongst oilseed rape growers, as risk management strategies continue to evolve. To read the survey results, click on the button below.
Proven herbicides for oilseed rape weed control
Our goal is to support farmers to maximise the potential of their oilseed rape crops by providing proven, reliable herbicides. Click on the links below to learn more about our crop protection solutions.
Belkar®: Post-emergence autumn herbicide for superior control of broad-leaved weeds especially cleavers, cranesbill, fumitory, poppies and shepherd's purse.
Astrokerb®: Powerful dual-action control that is exceptional against blackgrass and key broad-leaved weeds such as poppies and mayweed.
Kerb® Flo 500: Long-standing consistent control of blackgrass and other grass and broad-leaved weeds.
Korvetto®: Wide-spectrum spring applied herbicide. Highly effective on a range of problem broad-leaved weeds, with outstanding control of key weeds such as cleavers, mayweeds and thistles.
If you are looking to understand how our herbicides can fit into a programme, based on different scenarios or issues, take a look at our latest topic sheet here.
Propyzamide: Key information and stewardship
We have just launched our Propyzamide Back to Basics online Hub. Here you will find everything you need to know about this selective, systemic herbicide for use in oilseed rape, so take a look. You'll be one of the first to see our new video featuring Corteva's Sally Egerton and Clare Stapley.
It's October, so take the time now to remind yourself about the key stewardship advice from Corteva and The Voluntary Initiative ahead of autumn and winter propyzamide applications!
Our propyzamide stewardship webpage has been updated with simplified information to ensure that you are using Astrokerb® and Kerb® Flo 500 at the right rate, in the right conditions, and at the right time. These products are key to controlling grassweeds, especially blackgrass and ryegrass in oilseed rape.
Have you downloaded the Corteva arable app yet?
The Corteva arable app provides farmers and advisors with information on Corteva's arable crop protection products, including tank mixes and labels. You will also find key information about our oilseed rape and maize hybrids.
The app incorporates Corteva's Kerb Weather Data decision support service, which presents application information by post code to indicate when conditions are optimum for Astrokerb and Kerb Flo 500 applications.
Individual fields can be pin-pointed to see if conditions are suitable for herbicide applications, building additional accuracy on top of the post code search function. The slope of the field – a factor of significant importance when mitigating run off – can also be determined. An indication of soil type is also built in.
Download the app by 15th December on your Apple or Android device and be in with a chance to win a Belkar® messenger bag.
Autumn application of BlueN™ in WOSR
BlueN, Corteva’s Nutrient Efficiency Biostimulant, provides WOSR crops with a sustainable way to capture nitrogen throughout the season. The nitrogen captured from the atmosphere by BlueN is not affected by unfavourable weather conditions which can cause leaching or volatilisation during the growing season. BlueN can be applied to WOSR in the autumn or in the spring.
Where WOSR autumn canopy development is good, i.e, from 4-6 leaves and leaf loss due to frosts and pigeon damage is not expected during the winter months, apply BlueN when temperatures are above 10°C to help colonisation of bacteria in the plants.
Average yield increase 133 kg/ha. In the range of 80-180 kg/ha, yield increase observed in all 3 trials.
If severe frosts or pigeon damage defoliate the crop during the winter, BlueN can be reapplied in the spring.
Meta-analysis data has shown that in 63% of trials, applying BlueN to crops "on top" of the planned fertiliser programme brings a yield increase over those that were not treated with BlueN. The average yield increase benefit was found to be +0.2 t/ha.
Want to know more about BlueN? Watch our “Introduction to BlueN” video featuring Iuliia Kovalova, Corteva’s Field Technical Manager for Biologicals.
Corteva OSR online hub: Hybrid to Harvest
Have you seen our online OSR hub? It provides all our key technical advice and information throughout the season in one place. Visit or click here to find out more.
Don't forget that you could get £200 cashback!
Don't forget that you are eligible for £200 cashback, if you have purchased Protector® Sclerotinia tolerant hybrid, PT303 and Belkar® herbicide for the 2023/24 growing season. Purchases need to have been made by 1 November 2023 and claim forms submitted by 15 November 2023. Click here to find out more. Minimum order quantities apply.