Pioneer maize hybrid highlights for 2025
As the maize 2025 season approaches, we are excited to introduce you to Pioneer’s key hybrids for this season.
Suitable for growing under film
P8200 - Intermediate Relative Maturity
P8200 has been tested in PACTS trials under the Samco System on 53 locations over 11 years. This hybrid has given consistent results across very different seasons and sites. P8200 is tall and has given very high dry matter yields of silage with good starch content in PACTS trials. P8200 penetrates film well, dries down rapidly at maturity and is intended for favourable sites.
P7034 - Very Early Relative Maturity
P7034 has now been tested in PACTS trials under film on 29 locations over eight years. It has given good dry matter yields of a very high starch content when grown under film. P7034 is termed a Pioneer M3 (or ‘M cubed’) hybrid due to its ability to produce starch with a very high level of rumen degradability – the highest of any Pioneer hybrid in PACTS trials.
Suitable for growing under film and in the open
P7326 - Extra Early Relative Maturity
Many growers in the UK and Ireland hold this extra early maturity flint-dent grain textured hybrid in high regard because it has a good record of reliability in many different conditions. For growers looking for a hybrid with extra cold tolerance, that can reach harvest rapidly on favourable sites, and can deliver yield and quality silage even on less favourable sites, P7326 is likely to suit. P7326 has been tested on 39 locations over 11 years under film and proven itself to be a popular choice for growers cultivating on less favourable sites due to its good level of tolerance to cool conditions. It has produced very high starch content silage with good dry matter yields for its maturity.
P7179 - Extra Early Relative Maturity
P7179 has been tested on 9 sites over three years under film. It has produced silage of a very high starch content forage measured at 36.8% - the highest content of all hybrids tested. It has also given the highest dry matter content of 40.9%. It is a flint grain textured most suitable for sowing on less favourable sites, or where an early harvest is required.