Pioneer maize hybrid highlights for 2024
As the maize 2024 season approaches, we are excited to introduce you to Pioneer’s key hybrids for this season.
P7179 combines very good early vigour with extra early maturity and a notably high eyespot resistance score of 8. Across three years of PACTS trials, P7179 has given very high starch contents on both favourable sites (37.9%) and less favourable sites (39.2%). P7179 exhibits fast silk formation of the second ear often leading to more extensive pollination and extra grain set.
This hybrid was once again the biggest selling maize hybrid in the UK in 2023 (source: 2023 FarmTrak™). This extra early maturity flint-dent grain textured hybrid has a great track record of reliability in many conditions. If you are looking for a hybrid with extra cold tolerance that will come to harvest rapidly on favourable sites, or a hybrid that will deliver yield and quality silage even on less favoruable sites, P7326 is proven to perform.
This dent grain type hybrid has been awarded the M3 (pronounced 'M cubed') status due to combining a built-in level of highly rumen degradable starch content along with a proven adaptation to cool UK growing conditions. P7034 can be harvested last, clamped last and fed first therefore, minimising the negative feeding effects often experienced when transitioning to fresh silage made from flint grain textured hybrids that are often very low in rumen degradable starch.
Only suitable for favourable sites grown in the open and under film, this hybrid has produced very high dry matter yields with an average starch content of 35.3%. An impressive hybrid for the right locations and situations, for both feeding and gas production.