Corteva's Maize Update
Key information to support maize growers and advisors as the 2025 season begins.
PACTS results for 2025/26 now available | Pioneer maize hybrid highlights for 2025 | Pioneer brand inoculants | Our expanding maize herbicide portfolio | Instinct: lock in Nitrogen to boost maize yields | Increase maize yields with BlueN | Forage resources | Meet the Pioneer team
PACTS results for 2025/26 now available!
We are very pleased to present the latest maize PACTS® results following a full programme of UK and Ireland trials in 2024. PACTS is an abbreviation for ‘Pioneer® Accurate Crop Testing System’, and we conduct these multi-location on-farm trials so that we can accurately describe the performance of the Pioneer maize hybrids we offer for sale.
Click here to download the 2025/26 edition of PACTS
Pioneer maize hybrid highlights for 2025
As the maize 2025 season approaches, we are excited to introduce you to Pioneer’s key hybrids for this season.
P7179 - Extra Early Relative Maturity
Launched in 2023, P7179 is the earliest maturing hybrid in the Pioneer range with a PACTS average dry matter content on less favourable sites for maize cultivation of 37.8%. P7179 combines very good early vigour with extra early maturity, and a notably high eyespot resistance score of 8. Over four years of PACTS trials P7179 has given very high starch contents on both favourable sites (39.4%) and less favourable sites (37.8%).
P7326 - Extra Early Relative Maturity
P7326 was once again the biggest selling maize hybrid in the UK in 2024 (source: 2024 FarmTrakTM – Kynetec). Many growers in the UK and Ireland hold this extra early maturity flint-dent grain textured hybrid in high regard because it has a good record of reliability in many different conditions. For growers looking for a hybrid with extra cold tolerance, that can reach harvest rapidly on favourable sites, and can deliver yield and quality silage even on less favourable sites, P7326 is likely to suit.
P7034 - Very Early Relative Maturity
This dent grain type hybrid has been awarded the M3 (pronounced 'M cubed') status due to combining a built-in level of highly rumen degradable starch content along with a proven adaptation to cool UK growing conditions. P7034 can be harvested last, clamped last and fed first, therefore minimising the negative feeding effects often experienced when transitioning to fresh silage made from flint grain textured hybrids that are often very low in rumen degradable starch.
Detailed agronomic descriptions of each of the hybrids available for sale can be seen below.
The table can also be viewed on page 7 of the PACTS book.
Where ratings based on a 1 - 9 scale, higher rating indicates character is shown to a high degree
# Food and Agriculture Organisation; lower number indicates earlier maturity
## Experimental code prior to registration
* Rating derived from PACTS trials and UK Official Trials Results; TBC = To Be Confirmed
**Available only in Ireland
Pioneer brand inoculants
Our comprehensive proprietary range of silage inoculants have been developed to reduce dry matter losses and improve silage quality. Applying the most appropriate Pioneer silage inoculant can make a potentially significant difference to your profitability.
To find out more visit our silage inoculant hub by clicking here.
Our expanding maize herbicide portfolio
Principal® Forte: A comprehensive grass and broad-leaved weed herbicide with minimal need for additional herbicide tank mixing. Containing 3 active ingredients to control a wide range of both grass and broad-leaved weeds, Principal Forte is a complete post-emergence solution and will give your maize crop the best chance of success.
- Dose rate of 480 g/ha delivers 245 g/ha dicamba + 30 g/ha nicosulfuron + 15 g/ha rimsulfuron + 15 g/ha isoxadifen
- Apply with Codacide (95% rapeseed triglyceride) @ 1L/ha - Codacide is available from Corteva in a unique 5L pack. It is non-synthetic and safe to BlueN.
- Comes in a 2.4kg pack, each pack will treat 5 ha
- Has few following crop restrictions which should enhance interest in it given increasing uptake in SFI options such as winter cover crop
Dragster®: A good grass and broad-leaved weed herbicide. For additional control of black nightshade and cleavers, tank mix with Starane Hi-Load.
Leystar®: A broad spectrum weed control solution which is the preferred solution for mayweeds, thistles and docks. Also good on groundsel and brassica weeds like charlock and mustard. Now approved for tank mixing with nicosulfuron to enable a more comprehensive weed management approach.
Starane® Hi-Load: The only straight fluroxypyr solution that has a label to support tank mixing. Particularly good on black nightshade, also cleavers, chickweed, fumitory, hemp nettle and forget-me-not.
Instinct®: lock in Nitrogen to boost maize yields
As a crop, maize has traditionally been under-fertilised, and this is largely due to it requiring a significant amount of nitrogen - around half - post flowering. Nitrogen stabilisers slow down the conversion of ammonium to nitrate, preventing nitrogen loss through leaching and denitrification. Trials using Corteva's Instinct have shown a reduction in leaching of around 50%, and a reduction in denitrification through greenhouse gases of approximately 45%. This means nitrogen is kept in the soil for longer, and for a crop such as maize, this has a significant impact on yields, as it is available to the plant when it is needed.
Visual effects of Instinct are unmissable
Increase maize yields with BlueN™
BlueN is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant for use in a broad range of crops including maize. It contains Methylobacterium symbioticum, a bacteria found in nature, which fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it to ammonium for the plant.
Increase fresh yield by 5t/ha with BlueN
An independent trial carried out in Warwickshire last season showed a 5t/ha increase in fresh yield and 2.8t/ha increase in dry matter yield, with corresponding improvements in D values and metabolisable energy consistent with other BlueN maize trials in the 2024 season.
To find out more about BlueN, watch our short video "How to use Nutrient Efficiency Biostimulant BlueN on maize" here.
Forage resources
Corteva Forage App
Free and easy to use, the Corteva Forage App is packed with information and tools to help you maximise your grass and maize crops. To download the app click here or search for 'Corteva Forage App' in your Android or iOS store.
Forage Agronomy Update
You can also receive timely, in-season updates for livestock farmers and forage advisors direct to your inbox. To sign up to the Forage Agronomy Update click here and select the ‘Forage Agronomy Update’ newsletter option. Make sure to tick the 'monthly prize draw' box to in with a chance of winning Corteva goodies.
Meet the Pioneer team
For all enquiries about our maize hybrids, please contact your local Forage Specialist or Forage and Seed Promoter. Their experience and local advice is available to help you maximise your success.
For technical enquiries concerning Corteva herbicides, biostimulants and nitrogen stabilisers, contact your local Corteva area manager.
USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. Always read the label and product information before use. For further information including warning phrases and symbols refer to label. ®™ Trademarks Corteva Agriscience Limited and its affiliated companies. All other brand names are trademarks of other manufacturers for which proprietary rights may exist. All manufacturers trade names and trademarks are duly acknowledged. © 2025 Corteva. Principal® Forte contains nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, dicamba and isoxadifen. Dragster ® contains rimsulfuron, thifensulfuron and isoxadifen. BlueN™ contains Methylobacterium symbioticum. Instinct® contains nitrapyrin. Starane® Hi-Load HL contains fluroxypyr. Leystar® contains clopyralid, fluroxypyr and flurasulam.