In the March edition
- A focus on weed control in spring cereals
- Kinsidro® Grow+: A stress mitigation biostimulant for use in cereals this spring
- Drive a profitable yield with Univoq™ fungicide
- Findings from the 2023 Farmer Survey
- Explore our latest Arable App tool: The BlueN™ Application Optimiser
- Our 2024 Inatreq Stewardship Support Offer
- Learn and earn CPD points with Corteva
- Last chance to share your experience of using one of Corteva's oilseed rape herbicides and a chance to win a Korvetto® prize pack
Focus on weed control in spring cereals
With a large backlog of on-farm activities to contend with following a miserable autumn and winter, once drilling of spring cereals is over, growers should turn their thoughts to spring weed control as a priority.
While spring barley planting may not reach the 1 million hectares sown in 2020, it is likely that planting will be significantly higher than in 2023. And whilst spring barley is always a major crop in Scotland, this season we will see an increase in crops grown outside of the traditional areas.
Although the basic principles of weed control may be carried over from winter cereals, Corteva advises some fine tuning to programmes may be necessary to ensure maximum efficacy in spring crops.
Spring barley will race through growth stages once temperatures rise, so growers should be ready to take out weeds early to prevent any competitive effect on yield and problems at harvest.
Product choice and application timing are two important decisions that farmers will need to consider. A residual application this spring is unlikely, due to time constraints, so growers should plan a robust broadleaf weed control programme.
Arylex™ active (found in Pixxaro® and Zypar®) can be applied early season from three leaves, all the way through to growth stage 45 in winter and spring cereals.
Both products deliver outstanding control of key difficult weeds commonly found in spring cereals, including cleavers, poppies, cranesbill, chickweed, bindweed and of course the Achillies heel of sulfonylurea chemistry – fumitory.
For maximum control, weeds should be treated early, when small and actively growing, this way yield robbing weeds can be taken out before they start to compete with the crop.
Activity on Polygonum species can be boosted by adding a sulfonylurea herbicide such as Harmony® M SX® to the mix. Arylex chemistry comes with a wide range of tested tank-mix compatibilities, including PGR’s, fungicides and other herbicides, allowing growers to make the most of limited spray opportunities and apply the tank-mix of their choice.
Following crop choices are not limited by the use of Arylex products either, giving growers the greatest choice of planting options the following autumn, with no cultivation restrictions.
Find out more about why our Arylex active molecule has become the mainstay of spring broadleaf weed herbicide programmes in our video above.
Kinsidro® Grow+: A stress mitigation biostimulant for use in cereals this spring
Many cereal crops are suffering the ravages of a challenging autumn, winter and spring to date. Late and recently drilled crops will be significantly backwards coming into the spring, suffering from poor tillering and increased susceptibility to disease.
Mitigating abiotic stress due to these challenging conditions in cereal crops coming out of winter and into spring is crucial.
Kinsidro Grow+ is a consistently high quality product that contains humic and a high concentration of fulvic acids, bound with essential macro and micro nutrients these are widely acknowledged to play a role in abiotic stress mitigation.
Kinsidro Grow+ optimises nutrient availability for metabolic and physiological processes during early plant growth. By activating enzymes that produce antioxidants, Kinsidro Grow+ is able to neutralise excess reactive oxygen species produced in winter-stressed plants that will cause cell damage, death and reduced plant growth.
Polyphenols are important molecules produced by a plant and are responsible for disease resistance, amongst many other functions. Kinsidro Grow+ helps stimulate the production of phenolic compounds, improving disease and pest tolerance in plants. Thus, Kinsidro Grow+ can be an important tank mix partner with a T0 or early T1 fungicide application to help optimise disease control.
Extracted from sustainably grown Nordic pine forests, Kinsidro Grow+ is highly concentrated with a conveniently low application rate of 0.15kg/ha.
Agronomic response on a cereal crop following a February application is visually evident in the field. The left image shows the conditions 3 weeks after application, while the right image was taken 5 weeks after application.
Kinsidro Grow+ is a straight potassic fertiliser made as a lignin based fulvic acid complex complemented with micronutrients. Kinsidro Grow+ has a biostimulating effect. We recommend applying Kinsidro Grow+ to actively growing plants for use in a wide range of crops including cereals, maize and sugar beet. For more application advice, visit our product page.
Drive a profitable yield with Univoq™ fungicide
Recent winter wheat field walking has supported the view that the wet weather over winter has led to significant levels of septoria in crops (including Extase!) and the current rising temperatures are increasing the levels of yellow rust. Therefore broad spectrum fungicide product choice is going to be vital this season at both T1 and T2.
Whether tested in the field or across independent trial sites, Univoq fungicide has shone brightly as a unique solution for broad-spectrum cereal disease control and leading yields.
Robust in the face of septoria and rusts, the coformulation of the novel Inatreq™ active molecule in combination with prothioconazole is optimised by Corteva Agriscience’s patented i-Q4™ formulation.
The result is a unique fungicide with no cross resistance to other chemistries, enhanced spray retention, and the ultimate in coverage, penetration and uptake. Univoq provides lasting protection for your crop, laying the foundations for higher yields.
But don’t just take our word for it. Read what users had to say:
Septoria suppression in Suffolk
Suffolk farmer Oliver Pipe opted for Univoq in 2023. Farming on the edge of Ipswich he applied Univoq to winter wheat at the T2 timing and winter rye at T1.
“Using Univoq was a decision I made with my agronomist as to what would give us the most bang for our buck. It was one of the top-performing products and definitely the most competitively priced.”
“When we applied it there wasn’t much disease to clear up, so the Univoq just quietly got on with its job and the crop stayed green. Yields were good – there are so many variables you don’t know if it’s down to any one thing in particular, but if you’ve kept it green you know it’s going to be alright.”
A fifth year of reliability for Northamptonshire grower
Andrew Mahon has used Univoq for five seasons running as it “does what it says on the tin.” He grows 350 ha of wheat and last year used Univoq across 300 ha.
“We went for a lightweight T1, preferring to spend our money at T2. Most of these varieties have a pretty good disease profile, with reasonable scores for septoria and some inherent resistance.” Andrew applied Univoq at a rate of 1.25 l/ha on 18 May. “We went on the early side, but there was a weather window. We were happy with Univoq’s performance, particularly from a rust and septoria perspective.”
Best options for septoria disease control in wheat
“The most effective fungicide for controlling septoria in wheat has been found to be Univoq, which is slightly ahead of SDHI-azole combinations, according to independent trials carried out by crop consultant NIAB.”
“The picolinamide-azole combination shows the best curative activity against wheat’s most damaging disease, which gives it an edge over other broad-spectrum fungicides…”
The product has been the best for septoria control in the two high disease pressure years of 2022 and 2023. Read more here.
Discover more about the benefits of Corteva products containing Inatreq™ active, and our latest application advice at: www.corteva.co.uk/inatreq
Findings from our 2023 Farmer Survey
We are delighted with the responses to our recent Farmer Survey which has provided valuable insights in our mission to support growers. We received submissions from across the UK, with the majority coming from farmers with an average farm size over 500 ha.
A few highlights of the survey include:
- Almost three quarters of participants had heard of Corteva, or had a deeper knowledge of the company, with feedback on experiences being positive.
- The quality of support and information provided by Corteva, when ranked against other manufacturers, came out on top.
- When asked what participants would like to hear about from us, the main responses included information on innovative products alongside advice and technical support.
- The area of sustainability remains a hot topic and something respondents are keen to continue to hear more about.
- More than 70% of respondents highlighted the desire to attend open days and regional events. Cereals Event proved to remain a staple among those who submitted answers, with more than half outlining they attend the event. We can’t wait to see you at Cereals again this year.
Once again, we would like to thank all participants of the survey. You can read the full article here.
BlueN™ Application Optimiser tool
As the weather warms, stay informed on the optimal timing for BlueN application to your spring and winter drilled crops including maize, potato, sugar beet and cereals, by using our BlueN Application Optimiser available on our free Corteva Arable App. This tool helps you make informed application decisions 7 days in advance for maximising the full benefits of BlueN bacteria colonisation and optimising your crop's performance.
Other news and useful updates
Inatreq™ Stewardship Support Offer 2024 Submission Portal is live
Our Inatreq Stewardship Support Offer is running again this year offering farmers and spray contractors a goodwill gesture of £200 towards the cost of sprayer parts purchased in conjunction with Corteva products containing Inatreq fungicide.
Ways to earn CPD points
We have several online training courses to support both farmers and agronomists with their continued professional development. Take a look at how you can earn CPD points with Corteva Agriscience here. You can also receive BASIS and/or NRoSO points by signing up to our other e-newsletters here.
Don’t forget to share your experience with using Korvetto® or another Corteva oilseed rape herbicide!
Complete our online form for a chance to win a fantastic prize pack. Deadline to participate is 30 March 2024!
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Subscribing to Corteva Agriscience Arable Update gives eligibility for 2 CPD BASIS points and/or 2 NRoSO points annually.
USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. Always read the label and product information before use. For further information including warning phrases and symbols refer to label. Corteva Agriscience UK Limited, CPC2 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE. Tel: 01462 457272. ®, ™ Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. All other brand names are trademarks of other manufacturers for which proprietary rights may exist. All manufacturers tradenames and trademarks are duly acknowledged. Arylex™ active contains halauxifen-methyl. Pixxaro® EC contains fluroxypyr and halauxifen-methyl (ArylexTM active). Zypar® contains florasulam and halauxifen-methyl (ArylexTM active). Harmony® M SX® contains metsulfuron methyl and thifensulfuron methyl. It is a trademark of FMC AGRO LTD. Kinsidro Grow+ is an organo-mineral fertiliser with micronutrients and fulvic acids (with potassium). Inatreq™ active contains fenpicoxamid. Univoq™ contains fenpicoxamid and prothioconazole. BlueN™ contains Methylobacterium symbioticum. Korvetto® contains clopyralid and halauxifen-methyl (Arylex™ active).