Best practice application advice for Inatreq™ product use in 2023
Products containing Corteva Agriscience’s cereal fungicide Inatreq™ active have, over the past two growing seasons, proven their ability to deliver outstanding control of key diseases - most notably septoria and rusts. This novel chemistry even has the ability to control septoria isolates which have become resistant to other chemistry on the market, allowing crops to stay greener for longer, building that all-important yield for UK and Irish growers.
For farmers and sprayer operators who want to utilise the unique benefits of products containing Inatreq active in 2023, please visit our new webpage for our best practice application advice and video: Further resources will be added soon, including a parts guidance document.
Our expert advice video with Tom Robinson and Andrew Myatt is designed to highlight the importance of good sprayer hygiene and winter maintenance. This information will be of use to all operators who want to keep their machines clean and well maintained, but is of particular interest to those applying fungicides containing Inatreq active, in 2023.
Once you have watched the video there is an online quiz to complete that will earn you CPD points (1 BASIS AP and 1 NRoSO point available).